Routines to control a humanoid echolocator robot.

Semester Project by Frederike Dümbgen

Acoustic Robot


How to move the robot and record the room impulse responses, localize visually and record encoder data for odometry...

Create navigation file

Create a file with the navigation sequence for the robot to follow. The sequence needs to be structured in blocks, each block corresponding to one "step" of the robot. Each "step" consists of multiple lines. One line contains a time (int or float) and the command to be sent at that time. The time and command must be separated by exactly one tab. After each step, a localization of the robot, a recording of the impulse response and encoder data may be done. A new step starts when the time restarts at zero.

The valid commands can be found in the Robot documentation or under (Control/commands.txt). Save the file under input/control.txt

Connect audio player

Connect the two receivers to the Soundcard (analog input) with the VLR-Jack Cables. Connect the Audio source to an analog output and turn on the corresponding microphone. Connect the Soundcard by FireWire to your computer and turn it on.


You are ready to run the program "" in Localzation/ now. Run it from command line and follow the printed out instructions. For help, type command line argument -h. Once you are done with your experiments, you can follow Results for the further analysis.