Routines to control a humanoid echolocator robot.
As explained in Section Operate, a large number of files is created in the output folder after running the experiments. Note that if the program had to be restarted for unexpected errors during the experiment, it is worth it to check and rearrange the measurements such that they respect the file structure suggested. (For example, group all measured encoder readings into one file, compensating for when it was reset to 0 because the robot needed to be stoped)
Important: you need to adjust the two variables "PTS_BASIS" and "MARGIN" manually for correct functioning of the program. See Setup for how they are defined.
For example, if you are only interested in plotting the robot's real positions, the visual localization positions(using fixed height) and the calculated camera postions, you could enter
b = Analysis.Analysis('output_analysis/')
b.output_real = 'output/real_X.txt'
b.output_vis = 'output/posobj_fix_X.txt'
b.output_cam = 'output/cameras_X.txt'
b.output_camreal = 'output/cameras_real_positions.txt'
Once the object is created, you can plot its components, as far as they're defined, by calling
The resulting picture is saved under output_analysis/'my_name'. It will look similar to Figure 1.
You can also obtain the impulse responses at every position with different zooms using the Analysis object. Simply declare the input_wav file and output_wav_list. If you also want to include vertical lines at the expected time of arrival of the principal echoes, add 'output/real_X.txt' and run b.get_TOA() for calculating the times of arrival. Then, run b.get_RIR() to get plots of the impulse responses. The function also returns the couples [t,h] [f,H] for the impulse response in time and frequency domain respectively. A typical plot created by this function is shown in Figure 2.
b = Analysis.Analysis('output_analysis/')
b.input_wav = 'input/sound.wav'
b.output_wav_list = ['output/0_audio_X_0.txt','output/0_audio_X_1.txt','output/1...', etc. ]
# optional:
b.output_real = 'output/real_X.txt'
# get impulse responses
Note that the program can filter out certain harmonic frequencies for better results. The list of frequencies needs to be adjusted to contain all frequencies at which the reponse Y(w) shows peaks. If no filtering shall be done, you can comment the line b.apply_filter(time, freq).
The analysis class also serves for doing the latency analysis, described in Prepare . You can use the b.get_corsscor() to plot the cross correlation between the input file b.input_wav and each output file from b.output_wav_list. (Figure 3)