Robot Localization
Analysis.Analysis Class Reference

Contains functions to analyze room impulse response, odometry measurements and visual localization. More...

Public Member Functions

def read_files (self)
 Reads all files that have been specified.
def get_TOA (self)
 Calculate matrix of estimated time of arrival based on distances to wall, calculated from real positions and room width and height. More...
def get_RIR (self)
 calculates the RIR from self.input_wav and all corresponding self.output_wav_list files and saves plots in self.out_dir with the same stepnumber and channel number in name. More...
def apply_filter (self, time, freq, method='Y')
 Filters out required frequencies from frequency spectrum of signal. More...
def get_crosscorr (self)
 Computes and plots cross correlation between self.input_files and self.output_files. More...
def save_RIR (self, y_file, h)
 Saves RIR in binary file. More...
def odometry (self, position_0)
 Calculates positions based on encoder measures and start position. More...
def plot_geometry (self, fname='', zoom=False)
 Plots all results read by read_files() in the wall reference frame. More...

Detailed Description

Contains functions to analyze room impulse response, odometry measurements and visual localization.

Members: (All optional members are set to '' if not specified and ignored in further analysis)

out_dir: folder where results should be saved

[input_wav]: audio input file with path (most likely sine sweep)

[output_wav_list]: list of audio output files

[output_enc]: encoder output file (with absoltue encoder positions)

[output_mov]: expected robot movement file

[output_real]: real positions output file

[output_vis]: visual localization output file

[output_cam]: camera centers output file

[output_camreal]: real camera centers file

Member Function Documentation

def Analysis.Analysis.apply_filter (   self,
  method = 'Y' 

Filters out required frequencies from frequency spectrum of signal.


time: [t,h] nparray of time vector and corresponding time response, as returned by Analysis.Analysis.get_RIR. Only used in method 'kaiser'

freq: [f,H] nparray of frequency vector and corresponding DFT, as returned by Analysis.Analysis.get_RIR. Indirectly filtered with 'kaiser', directly filtered with other methods.

method: if set to 'kaiser', the Kaiser method from ATTENTION: never tested completely because it always led to crash because of overloaded software memory. When set to anything other than 'kaiser', the desired frequencies are simply set to 0 and the parameter method is only used for naming the output files.(default: Y)


[t,h_filt]: vectors of time and corresponding filtered impulse response

[f,H_filt]: vectors of frequency and corresponding DFT of filtered impulse response

def Analysis.Analysis.get_crosscorr (   self)

Computes and plots cross correlation between self.input_files and self.output_files.


self.output_wav_list and self.input_wav need to be defined.


corrs: list of correlations for each output-file.

def Analysis.Analysis.get_RIR (   self)

calculates the RIR from self.input_wav and all corresponding self.output_wav_list files and saves plots in self.out_dir with the same stepnumber and channel number in name.

(for example: "out_dir/0_1_RIR_....png" saves impulse response at step 0 of channel 1)


self.output_wav_list and self.input_wav have to be defined.


(t,h_filtered): time vector and impulse response

(f,H_filtered): frequency vector and FFT of impulse response

def Analysis.Analysis.get_TOA (   self)

Calculate matrix of estimated time of arrival based on distances to wall, calculated from real positions and room width and height.


self.output_real needs to be defined.


np.Array U of size K*N_steps, where N_steps is number of steps and K is number of walls. Therefore, the rows correspond the response times from the K walls and the columns correspond to steps.

def Analysis.Analysis.odometry (   self,

Calculates positions based on encoder measures and start position.


position_0: nparray of start position ([x0,y0,theta0]) in mm and radians rsp. Theta0 is measured with respect to y axis, positive in the trigonometric sense.

self.enc has to be defined.


positions: nparray of all resulting positons (x,y,theta)

def Analysis.Analysis.plot_geometry (   self,
  fname = '',
  zoom = False 

Plots all results read by read_files() in the wall reference frame.

Run read_files() before running this function.


[fname:] file name where resulting image is saved (within self.out_dir) no output saved if not specified or set to '' (default '')

[zoom:] weather to zoom to positions or not. (default False)

Returns: Nothing

def Analysis.Analysis.save_RIR (   self,

Saves RIR in binary file.


y_file: input file for rir response (used for naming only)

h: vector of impulse response

Returns: Nothing

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